Small White Bumps? All About Milia and How to Get Rid of Them

Have you noticed tiny white bumps on your face, particularly around your cheeks or eyes? These could be milia, a common skin concern caused by trapped keratin, a protein that forms the building blocks of your skin. While harmless, milia can be bothersome for cosmetic reasons.

Milia come in two main types: primary and secondary. Primary milia are more frequent and are often associated with hair follicles. Secondary milia, on the other hand, can develop after injuries, infections, or certain medications.

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Milia are more likely to appear in adults than in children, and their prevalence increases with age.

While milia might look like pimples, it’s important not to try to pop them yourself. Unlike pimples, milia lack a direct connection to the skin’s surface. Popping them can lead to scarring or infection. If the milia bother you and you’d like them removed, consulting an aesthetic doctor is the best course of action.

An aesthetic doctor can diagnose milia and recommend the most suitable treatment. In-office treatment typically involves creating a small opening in the skin to extract the trapped keratin. For larger milia, this might be done with a sterile needle or scalpel. Alternatively, the doctor might use a technique called electrodesication, which uses heat to remove the milia.

There are also at-home options for milia, but they might take longer to show results. Aesthetic doctors often recommend using retinoid creams consistently for several months. Retinoids help encourage skin cell turnover, which can eventually lead to the disappearance of milia.

Preventing milia formation is possible. Be gentle with your skin and avoid harsh scrubbing or abrasive cleansers. When choosing moisturizers, opt for non-comedogenic formulas that won’t clog your pores. Consulting an aesthetic doctor can help you develop a personalized skincare routine that minimizes your risk of milia.

While milia are a common and harmless skin concern, they can be aesthetically unappealing. If they bother you, remember, a consultation with an aesthetic doctor can help you explore treatment options and create a skincare plan to keep your skin milia-free.

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