Do DIY Beauty Treatments Work?

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Getting a salon appointment has been a little more challenging this year, and for this reason, more people have been experimenting with DIY beauty treatments. There’s something fun and satisfying about giving yourself a bit of pampering at home, and plenty of these DIY treatments can have positive results.

Some of these ingredients could be found in your kitchen if not your local grocer. Here are some examples of DIY beauty treatments that you can do at home.

DIY skincare

You could try making your own facial masks, scrubs, and toners from all-natural ingredients. Here are a few recipes:

  • Cocoa face mask

Cocoa is said to have both anti-oxidant and anti-aging properties. You make your own DIY mask from 1tbsp cocoa powder, 1tbsp sour cream, 1 tbsp honey, and one egg white. It sounds more like a dessert recipe but it’s actually an effective hydrating and firming face mask.

  • Sugar lip scrub

With equal measures of coconut oil and honey plus two parts brown sugar, you can mix yourself an easy DIY lip scrub. It’s great for exfoliating your lips at home.

  • Tea leaves toner


Tea has many health benefits as a drink but it can also work as a toner. Brew 1tsp mint leaves with 4tsp white tea leaves and a couple of drops of lavender oil in boiling water and leave to cool. Mix in a little aloe vera gel and you can use it as a spray.

There are plenty of active natural ingredients that can do wonders for your skin. Due to its cleansing properties, lemon juice can be used as an astringent, for example. As a home remedy for acne, other natural alternatives can include aloe vera, rosehip oil, and zinc. It’s always advisable to speak to a dermatologist before trying to treat any skin condition yourself, however.

DIY hair treatments

You can also DIY your own hair treatments. There are plenty of ingredients you can find in your own fridge such as avocados, butter, eggs, and yogurt. Try this anti-frizz treatment for example:

  • Mash half an avocado and add a large spoon or sour cream or egg yolk.
  • Massage the mix into your hair after you wash it.
  • Wait for 15 minutes, then rinse clear.

In three simple steps, you’ll have smoother, healthier, more tamed hair.

DIY teeth whitening

If you want to try DIY teeth whitening, it’s a good idea to invest in the best teeth whitening or bleaching kit. This will come prepared with everything you need to brighten up your smile at home. If you’re wondering about DIY alternatives or natural teeth whiteners it’s advisable to speak to a dentist first.

The best teeth bleaching kits are specifically designed for teeth whitening. You don’t want to risk any damage or staining to your teeth and you’ll get better results. The same goes for other DIY beauty treatments, it’s better to err on the side of caution.

Whether it’s the best teeth bleaching kits, or a totally homemade facial you would want to try, there are several at-home beauty tricks to help you look and feel better.

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