Planning a Social-Distanced Wedding: Yes, It’s Possible

wedding sign

As COVID-19 protocols ease in most countries, socially-distanced weddings of up to 10 to 30 attendees are now allowed. It’s an exciting revelation for many couples whose wedding plans have been in limbo since the beginning of the pandemic.

Although wedding guidelines vary per country, here’s how you can plan for your special day.

Spoil Yourselves

Since you’ll be mostly having less than 10 to 30 guests, you don’t have to go all out on food, decor, and entertainment. All these allow you to save on many things, so you’re more likely to afford exceptional rings for you and your spouse. When shopping for wedding bands, go for white, gold, or diamond pieces to give you and your future spouse something to treasure for a lifetime.

Stream Your Wedding for Friends and Family that Couldn’t Attend

If your priority is marrying your soul mate and don’t want your friends, families, or other acquaintances to miss out, live streaming your wedding is a fantastic way to involve everyone. You and your future-spouse can meet up with an officiant to perform the ceremony, and once everything’s ready, set up your cameras and start rolling.

If you want a more intimate stream, Zoom is a great choice, but if you want everyone you know to see your virtual special day, you can live stream through Facebook Live or YouTube.

Go All Out on Your Wedding Dress, Makeup, and Hair

couple getting marriedEven if you’re holding your wedding virtually, that doesn’t mean you should slack off on your ‘special day look.’ Although wedding gown shopping in physical stores is still limited, you can always say yes to the dress online. You can also have talented friends have your makeup and hair done, but if that isn’t possible, you can always book an appointment to a salon early in the morning or hire a makeup artist and encourage them to wear PPE.

Dress Up the Venue

If you’re hiring a wedding venue designer, ensure that you instruct them to go all out to make your intimate ceremony even more special. Since you’ll only be having 10 to 30 attendees, it’s best to impress the crowd to make the ceremony a memory that will last for a lifetime. However, if you plan to decorate the venue yourself, it’s best to keep things simple and close to the theme you and your partner chose.

Play Prerecorded Music

Although having a live entertainment band is a staple for most weddings, activities like singing, chanting, and using wind instruments are forbidden. That’s because there’s a high chance of virus transmission through the droplets that may circulate the air, meaning that the band that was supposed to serenade you as you walk down the aisle will have to be put on hold.

To ensure your wedding doesn’t lose its vibrancy or becomes dull, you can always play prerecorded music on your preferred song streaming platform. Although it won’t have the same impact as a real-life band or solo singer, it won’t compromise the ceremony.

Order Food for a Small Group

Because of the restrictions, you most likely won’t be having many guests, so it’s best to order food for a small group only and keep your guests apart by assigning them to safely distanced seating arrangements.

Remember that a ‘social-distanced’ wedding isn’t going to be everyone’s vision of the ‘perfect day,’ but when you look at the silver lining, an intimate day with your closest friends and family may end up feeling more special and memorable.

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